Earlier this summer I had the pleasure of joining a panel of animators and producers at the Nevada City Film Festival - Animation Shorts program, to discuss our approaches to visual storytelling, inspirations and collaborating virtually during this unprecedented year. Representing Maggie Dave - I’m Not Ready, animated by Cassie Shao, special thanks to Festival Director Jesse Locks for hosting the conversation.
Maggie Dave - I'm Not Ready
"Maggie Dave - I'm Not Ready" at LINOLEUM Contemporary Animation and Media Art Festival & Nevada City Film Festival
Cassie Shao’s brilliant music video for “I’m Not Ready” (music video for Maggie Dave) was announced on two lauded festival lineups this week. At the LINOLEUM Contemporary Animation and Media Art Festival, Shao’s film will make its Ukrainian premiere alongside 26 other international offerings in the “Commissioned Film Competition.” At the “Sundance of the Sierra,” the Nevada City Film Festival will host the music video at their innovative outdoor drive-in cinema under the stars of Grass Valley, California.